Thursday, January 15, 2015

When the wind is in the wrong direction, you may have to Tack into it.

The She-Farmer asked me how long it would take to start having revenue from our system. I hemmed and hawed... "Eight months?" I said.

"Um, could we last eight months without an income now?"

"What's your point?"

"If we are out of business, because we are broke, then we lose."

"That is a really good point!"

So, I asked the question, "Do you think we should grow aquaponic vegetables for income for maybe ten years?"

"That would be wonderful!"

We had taken a class on aquaponics from Rob Nash in Austin, and we are pretty confident that we can do just that.

I put together a new plan.

Aquaponics under a greenhouse to control climate, moderated by using the earth as a heat sink, thermal inertia.. We would also do micro greens and eggs and a few other herbs and veggies to round things out.

In my estimate, if we can produce 1500 lettuces (or equivalent) each week, then we can produce a full time income on the farm.  Then I ran into this video above and it is like "BINGO!" just what I wanted to do, right there in Houston!

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